220 Must-Ask Long Distance Relationship Questions To Nurture Your Bond

220 Must-Ask Long Distance Relationship Questions To Nurture Your Bond

A long distance relationship is less about regular meetups and more about calls, texting, and missing your partner on any given day. With long distance, you can’t have face-to-face interaction and warm hugs, which allow you to enjoy each other’s presence more.

But distance doesn’t have to be a deal breaker for your relationship. And it’s already proven that absence creates longing and multiplies your love. It doesn’t matter if you’re not together physically, what matters is how you support each other despite the distance. One way to create a lasting bond challenging the separation is by communicating your feelings by asking questions. 

If you think you’ve already been talking for a long time and don’t have much to discuss, you need a list of good long distance relationship questions to rekindle your romance. Asking the right questions from your partner can make your long distance relationship more meaningful. Following long distance relationship questions can work as a tool to strengthen your communication game. Let’s look at each one of them!

Long Distance Relationship Questions to Ask as a Conversation Starter

220 Must-Ask Long Distance Relationship Questions To Nurture Your Bond 

The start can always be tricky. If you think you don’t have anything to start a conversation with your SO each day, these conversation starters will be helpful for you. Here are some questions to revive the chat and know more about them:

  1. How are you feeling today?


  1. How did you spend time today?


  1. What turns your mood on and off?


  1. What does a healthy life look like to you?


  1. Do you have any pets?


  1. Do you prefer movies or cricket?


  1. What’s one mistake you’ve made recently?


  1. Do you think long-distance relationships are worth it?


  1. What are your prerequisites in a relationship?


  1. What made you smile today or generally?


  1. Have you learned any new skills recently?


  1. What does your daily routine look like?


  1. How do you celebrate your special occasions?


  1. What type of music do you love to listen to?


  1. Are you into self-care? What activities do you do to take care of yourself?


  1. What three things you’ll write in your gratitude journal today?


  1. Do you prefer horror movies or comedy movies?


  1. What did you eat today for dinner? Do you cook yourself, or someone else does it for you?


  1. What emoji do you use the most? 


  1. Do you believe in astrology? If so, what’s your sun sign?

Also Read: 69 Dirty Pickup Lines For Him

Good Long Distance Relationship Questions

220 Must-Ask Long Distance Relationship Questions To Nurture Your Bond

Having some good questions is useful to let the conversation flow smoothly with your partner. They don’t let your conversation die on a boring note. Below are a few good ones to pick from:

  1. Does this relationship make you grow? 


  1. What’s your earliest memory of our relationship?


  1. What would it be if you had to dedicate a song for me?


  1. Do you have a specific place in mind you want to visit only with me?


  1. Would you rather travel or sleep the whole day?


  1. What would you ask your favorite celebrity if you got the chance to meet them?


  1. Have you ever had a crush on somebody? What made you have a crush on them?


  1. What’s one compliment that makes you smile whenever you think about it?


  1. What’s one thing on your bucket list that you’d like to fulfill immediately if given a chance?


  1. If I ask you to make three wishes now, what would they be?


  1. Do you prefer comfort or adventures more often?


  1. Do you prefer maintaining journals or talking your heart out to friends?


  1. Who did you look up to as a child, and how did it change when you grew up?


  1. What is your biggest achievement till now?


  1. If we had to recreate a movie scene, which would you choose and why?


  1. What do you love most about yourself?


  1. Do you want me to prepare something special for you on our next dinner date?


  1. Can you spend a day without using social media or your phone?


  1. Why do people check their partner’s phone? Does it create trust issues in the relationship?


  1. What’s one thing about you that everyone knows? 

Deep Questions to Ask Your Long Distance Boyfriend or Girlfriend

220 Must-Ask Long Distance Relationship Questions To Nurture Your Bond

You know it’s time to level up your communication game when your relationship becomes strong. Asking questions that encourage meaningful conversation can give you a glimpse into your partner’s personality and add an extra layer of trust. Below are a list of deep questions to ask your partner:

  1. What would it be if I asked you to open up on one thing you have in mind right now?


  1. Would you compliment yourself every day or expect others to do it?


  1. What encourages you to wake up and work each day?


  1. Do you have an unfulfilled desire that you’d wish to discuss with me?


  1. How do you see our relationship in 10 years from now?


  1. What’s one thing every couple should do to strengthen their trust level?


  1. Would you still love me if I stopped loving you back?


  1. Do you think jealousy should have a place in a relationship? 


  1. Can we be more than just romantic partners for each other? What other roles can we play for each other in this relationship?


  1. Have you ever been in a situation when you needed me the most, but I wasn’t available?


  1. What do you think about people commenting on what a woman should wear?


  1. Do you cry in public? If not, what stops you from doing that?


  1. Does being vulnerable with people help you know them more?


  1. Do you feel it’s okay to be vulnerable with your partner, and why?


  1. Is our relationship going the right way? Do you want to suggest some changes we should consider?


  1. What are your hobbies? Have you picked up any new ones lately?


  1. What’s the most awesome achievement you’ve had recently?


  1. What do you think about the concept of feminism?


  1. Is there a book you’ve read more than three times and still love it?


  1. Do you solely make your decisions or depend on your family to make them?

Funny Questions to Ask in a Long-Distance Relationship

220 Must-Ask Long Distance Relationship Questions To Nurture Your Bond

If you wonder what to ask in a long distance relationship, try out humor. It is one of the most important factors to grow your relationship from good to great. If you’re comfortable asking and sharing fun questions with your SO, your connection lasts longer for the rest of your life. Try these fun questions as a conversation starter:

  1. Who would you choose if you had to choose between your father and me?


  1. Give yourself a definition. Describe yourself in one line.


  1. Suppose you’re a relationship coach; what 3 tips will you give for a lasting relationship?


  1. What’s one piece of advice you give others but don’t follow yourself?


  1. Who have you stalked on social media lately? Have you ever been caught doing that?


  1. Is there any quality your ex has that I don’t? Do you still admire her for that?


  1. If you had to write a long love letter for me, would you do it or hire someone else?


  1. Did you like the subject chemistry in school? How about our chemistry?


  1. Are you more of a phone caller or a texter?


  1. Who’s your partner in crime? Is it me?


  1. Do you usually prefer sad songs or romantic songs?


  1. What would be your reaction if one of my male friends proposed to me?


  1. What’s one thing I should never say when you’re angry?


  1. Can you tell me a good joke if you can?


  1. Do you like the person you see in the mirror?


  1. Would you stay silent or defend yourself if I get angry with you?


  1. What’s one thing you hate about me but lie that you love, just to avoid conflict?


  1. Can you give me the number of your ex-girlfriend?


  1. Would you rather call your ex or mine in an emergency?


  1. What’s worse, laughing at a serious moment by accident or getting caught singing loudly in public?

Serious Long Distance Relationship Questions to Ask Your Partner

220 Must-Ask Long Distance Relationship Questions To Nurture Your Bond 

Thoughtful conversations through meaningful questions can surely make you grow as a couple, as asking these questions means you care about the important stuff or goings-on in your partner’s life. It shows commitment. So, go ahead with the following ones to strengthen your bond:

  1. Have you ever been bullied in your childhood?


  1. What’s your understanding of love?


  1. Have you ever been through a depression episode? 


  1. What makes you feel sad?


  1. Does your job make you feel fulfilled? Is there something you’d wish to change about it?


  1. Are you satisfied with the salary you receive for the work you do? Do you think your male colleagues in the same role get paid the same?


  1. Can you tell me a few things I do that make you angry?


  1. Who’s your support system?


  1. Speaking or listening: what do you prefer the most?


  1. Were you in a relationship with someone before me?


  1. Is there anything you feel odd about my behavior? Do I do anything that makes you feel insecure about yourself?


  1. What kind of relationship do you have with your parents?


  1. What ways do you think a person can show respect for their partner?


  1. What can I do to make your life easy?


  1. What important things should I know about you but don’t yet?


  1. Do you have a purpose in life? If so, how can I help you with that?


  1. Is there a skill you weren’t taught in school but learned yourself?


  1. Do you think men should have a few feminine traits? If so, which ones?


  1. How can we help each other in taking care of our mental health?


  1. Is it necessary to have expectations in a relationship? If so, what are yours?

Also Read: Top 31 Best Long-Distance Relationship Songs

Interesting Questions to Ask in a Long Distance Relationship 

220 Must-Ask Long Distance Relationship Questions To Nurture Your Bond

Asking questions to know your partner’s great experiences is essential to collect memories. After all, this is all it takes to renew a relationship. Here’s a list for you to get the inspiration: 

  1. Do you prefer to cook or eat out when you’re alone?


  1. Do you have any secret that you would never tell anyone? Would you like to share it with me?


  1. Would you rather delete all your socials now or leave your best friend for good?


  1. Is there a movie character that goes along well with your personality?


  1. Have you ever had a crush on your teacher?


  1. Do you have a memory that can make you laugh at any time?


  1. What are your family members’ views about you?


  1. Do you ever feel like you don’t belong in your family?


  1. Have you ever felt like you didn’t fit in with the people of your generation?


  1. What’s one song that you’d choose to listen to every time to cheer yourself up?


  1. If you had to suggest a crazy song that suits my personality, what would it be?


  1. How long do you spend on socials versus real-life socializing?


  1. Beauty or brain – which trait would you prefer in a woman?


  1. Have you ever felt our conversation boring? What type of conversations bore you?


  1. Is there a thing you’ve Googled but are embarrassed to admit?


  1. What’s the most happening stage of your life – teenage or adulthood?


  1. Do you prefer reading books or listening to music?


  1. Would you rather meet me for 5 minutes right now or for a day after a month?


  1. Can you read what’s there on my mind right now?


  1. Do you like surprises? What kind of surprises do you like?

Random Questions to Ask in a Long Distance Relationship

220 Must-Ask Long Distance Relationship Questions To Nurture Your Bond

If you’re looking to spark a conversation with your special one, these questions can help as they’re lighthearted and suitable for any occasion:

  1. Are you a selfie lover or a live-in-the-moment kind of person?


  1. Are you a reserved or nosy person?


  1. Can you share your guilty pleasure?


  1. What do you suggest we should do more to grow as partners?


  1. What is your all-time favorite meme?


  1. What was the last thing you did to show yourself some love?


  1. If you had the power to change an event from history, what would you change?


  1. What does your sleep routine look like?


  1. Rising sun or setting sun?


  1. How do you choose friends for yourself?


  1. What are your views on cheating in a relationship?


  1. Is there any social issue you’d like to solve?


  1. How would you like me to celebrate your birthday once we move in?


  1. What kind of proposal would make you feel loved?


  1. What’s the first thing you do after waking up in the morning?


  1. Family or work: which is the most important to you?


  1. Solo traveling or traveling with family and friends: what’s your choice?


  1. What’s your greatest strength?


  1. What’s your favorite way of passing the time?


  1. How do you handle life’s day-to-day challenges?

Flirty Questions for Long Distance Relationships

Your relationship also loses its spark when you get busy with routine tasks. It’s a good idea to use your flirting skills to test during those times. A few flirty questions can save your relationship from going stale. Here are some questions long distance couples can try:

  1. How do you start a romantic conversation with someone?


  1. Have you ever had a dream in which we both were together?


  1. Would you like to be mine for a few more births?


  1. What’s one romantic song you’d like to play for me?


  1. What’s the perfect date for you?


  1. One thing that I can do to impress you right now?


  1. Will you feel butterflies in your stomach if I confess you’re my first and last love?


  1. Do you prefer a handwritten love letter or love text?


  1. Have you felt all those feelings that are often linked with being in love?


  1. What situations or things remind you of me the most?


  1. How would you rate our relationship chemistry on a scale of 1-10?


  1. Is there a thing you want me to do or say to you regularly?


  1. Would you rather be friends or friends with benefits with me?


  1. Do you want to call me by a cute nickname?


  1. Is there a particular romantic activity that you like the most?


  1. Who would you choose if you had the chance to go on a date with someone except me?


  1. Can I expect a long love text from you at the end of each day?


  1. What’s one feature you find most attractive in a man/woman?


  1. Have you ever had any naughty thoughts about me?


  1. What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think about me?

Also Read: 69 Dirty Pickup Lines For Him

Important Long Distance Relationship Questions 

If you want to go beyond the regular things to take your bond to the next level, consider leveling up your communication. Asking questions that help you know your partner inside out builds a new level of trust between you. Here’s a list of such questions:


  1. What’s so unique about our relationship that you wish other couples would adopt?


  1. What would it be if you had to suggest one thing for our relationship to reach the next level?


  1. Which quality of mine inspires you to reframe your mindset about life?


  1. Are you expressive in a relationship, or do you want me to take the lead?


  1. Is there a passion or dream you wanted to pursue but couldn’t do for any reason?


  1. Can you share everything with me? Or should a person share everything with their partner?


  1. Is having boundaries helpful for a relationship? What are a few boundaries you’d like to set for our relationship?


  1. If we face any conflicts in our relationship, how would you deal with them?


  1. Would you change anything about yourself if I asked you to? Do you think it’s right to change yourself per your partner’s wishes?


  1. What is marriage to you? Will the concept of marriage stay relevant in the upcoming years?


  1. Do you think people should resort to lying in a relationship or even otherwise? How often do you lie if you do?


  1. Do you think you have become mature? If so, what makes you say that?


  1. What should I do to make you trust me more?


  1. What do you want me to do to increase our relationship intimacy?


  1. Who do you reach out to when you feel lonely or sad? 


  1. Do you see any changes between our current relationship and the previous one? Are the changes positive or negative?


  1. What negative experiences shaped who you are today? Do you feel at ease discussing them with me?


  1. What is one non-negotiable quality for you in a relationship?


  1. What do you think about physical closeness in relationships?


  1. Has anyone broken your trust in past relationships? How can I ensure you feel secure in our relationship?

Romantic Long Distance Relationship Questions 

Indeed, you can’t get physically close to your partner in an LDR and might find it quite frustrating as well. But you can fill that void by knowing the intimate details about your partner. You can keep the romance alive in your relationship by asking such questions to your partner, which eventually builds intimacy without being physically close to them. Below is the list of questions to get started:

  1. What type of songs do you listen to when you miss me?


  1. What kind of physical touch do you like the most?


  1. How do you want to be cared for on a tough day?


  1. Do you prefer cuddling or kissing?


  1. How would you describe the feeling of being in love?


  1. How would you express your love to me without saying I Love You?


  1. Would you rather go on a long drive or have a candlelight dinner in a nice restaurant?


  1. Can you give up your bad habits for me?


  1. What’s one activity that you’d like to try only with me?


  1. Would you be available for me If I call you in the middle of the night?


  1. Do you feel like I’m the one for you? 


  1. Will you do anything to win my love?


  1. How can I bring more peace in your life?


  1. Did you know we’ll go this far as life partners?


  1. What’s the most romantic moment you’ve ever spent with me?


  1. How can I make this day the most romantic day of your life?


  1. What’s the best gift I can give you as a keepsake?


  1. Who’s your first love?


  1. What role do I play in your life?


  1. When should you confess your love to someone? When will you confess your love?

Personal Questions to Ask in Your Long Distance Relationship

Relationships are personal; you must ask questions to let your partner open up with you more. Asking personal questions, especially in an LDR, helps you know your partner deeply and improves the relationship. Try out the following personal long distance relationship questions to get started with that:

  1. What’s one thing about you that you’re hesitant to discuss with me?


  1. Is it hard or easy for you to trust people?


  1. What qualities do you look for in a life partner?


  1. How am I different from your previous boyfriend? 


  1. What kind of potential issues can we face during our courtship?


  1. How would you deal with your anger if you ever get mad at me?


  1. How should partners approach dependency in a relationship?


  1. How important is sex to you in a relationship?


  1. What’s a deal breaker for you in a relationship?


  1. What are your views on abuse in a relationship on any level?


  1. Do you follow any religious beliefs?


  1. Are you in touch with your childhood friends?


  1. Who would you choose between your mom and me?


  1. Three reasons to choose me over any other girl?


  1. How many members are there in your family?


  1. Is your family supportive of our relationship? 


  1. What are your thoughts about my family? Do you like any specific member of my family?


  1. Being right or kind: what would you choose?


  1. Would you rather go shopping or hang out with me all day?


  1. Do you have any role models? How have they shaped your views about life?

Also Read: Top 31 Best Long-Distance Relationship Songs

Final Words

From having communication issues to having different expectations, asking questions from your SO can help you solve many problems in your relationship. It’s a way to catch up on them and their life well because you already have fewer chances with distance. 

So, why not use the power of long distance relationship questions to keep the conversation flowing? You can ask about their short or long term goals, something from pop culture, or their vulnerable side if they’re comfortable. The more open and honest your communication is, the better this unconventional journey becomes.

If you want to experiment with the ways to grow your love in your long distance relationship, consider writing love letters for her. I’m sure they’ll love it.

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Shagufta is an SEO content writer for websites who writes content around wellness and relationships. She's an avid dreamer and learner. Growth, loyalty, and simplicity are the words that describe her.

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