How to Reconnect After A Relationship Break: Your Go-To Guide

How to Reconnect After A Relationship Break: Your Go-To Guide

There comes a point when you want to run away from all the responsibilities. You want to take a break from everything, including your relationship.

And in today’s times, many couples are dealing with thoughts like “How to reconnect after a relationship break?” as they feel like they wish to continue their relationship with their partner after a break.

So, if you’re also looking to regain your love back after a break, this is your go-to guide.

In this blog, we talk about what a relationship break is, how to make it work, and how to reconnect with your partner after a relationship break. 

What Is A Relationship Break? 


You keep hearing stories about couples being on break scenarios both online and offline. Usually, a relationship break happens in these kinds of situations:

  •  couples see no growth in their relationship,
  •  couples who feel they have lost their identity,
  •  couples who don’t feel the spark anymore,
  •  couples who are left with no energy to invest,
  •  couples who need a break in general,
  •  couples who don’t have a satisfied sex life anymore.

These are the main scenarios why couples generally want to have a break from their partner. They want to find themselves again to regain the lost spark.

In certain cases, couples still struggle with this dilemma, “How to ask your partner for a break?” If you are in this kind of situation, it’s high time to communicate with your partner and take necessary measures.


Do Taking Breaks In Relationships Work?

If you want to find the long-lost love or bring back the spark, you should take a break from your partner.

These are the few questions applied to get your freedom back.

  •  You get the freedom to go out on a date with anyone.
  •  You get the freedom to get intimacy with anyone.
  •  You get the freedom to do anything without anyone’s permission.

Now you are getting a chance to live your single life again. Since you are feeling happy now, let me give you a checkmate. You both must sit together and decide the conditions before taking a break. Looks like a big task on the agenda now!


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How Long Should A Relationship Break Be?

How to reconnect after a relationship break

Since you ticked the main agenda off the list, it is time to decide the period of the relationship break. Once you decide the time, make sure not to have any contact with each other. 

You have to set the standard rules so that both of you adhere to them. Generally, it is advisable to take from 1 week to 6 months for a couple’s break who wants to reconnect. Most couples tend to get back together after the break is over.

In worst cases, if you are taking longer than 6 months, then it is a complete breakup.

The break time decides the fate of the relationship. So decide carefully for your future.


How To Ask Your Partner For A Relationship Break?

When you are in a relationship, you can understand the signs of its trajectory. Once you realize something is missing in your relationship, you tend to think about it. After thinking deliberately, your mind suggests,

“Let’s take a break.”

When you receive this sign from your mind, you need to sit down with your partner for a mature conversation. Now take a look at the following reasons.

  •  Explain why you feel the need for a break.
  •  Explain how it benefits the relationship in the long run.
  •  Explain the importance of taking this break.
  •  Explain how you want to regain your individuality.

There are a lot more that you keep adding on. But the real conversation has to come from your heart. Give them a strong and convincing reason to get a positive signal from your partner.

Find the right spot. Create a comfortable atmosphere to speak about it. You must tell your partner about how your brain is drained; you have less energy to contribute to the relationship.

Not only that, you have to make appropriate choice of words. Make sure that your partner doesn’t get hurt in this process while you are confronting it.

To add it on top, explain all the scenarios in detail. And tell them the relationship break rules to come to a common conclusion.


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25 Tips To Reconnect After A Relationship Break

How to reconnect after a relationship break

The relationship break is over, my friend. It’s time to stir up the chemistry between the two of you. Your hearts belong to each other. Let’s look at some ways to make your heart flutter again.


Open Up Your Heart

If you and your partner have decided to be together after a relationship break, you must be honest with each other. You must speak the unfiltered truth to rekindle the love like a Disney movie’s happy ending.

Speak your mind. Open up your heart. Tell them how you questioned yourself, like do taking breaks in relationships work? How were you confused about answering this question for yourself? But you still know in the back that your partner is the one. So, you decided to give your everything.


Schedule Time For Dates

Since you two are getting along after so long, spend more time together. Remember, you have to allot a couple of dates to understand each other better. Go on movie dates, midday dates, exercise dates, etc., and don’t leave any opportunity.

This is your honeymoon phase again after the rough patch. Your time is a valuable investment to nurture your relationship. Think about the times when you both fell in love. Recreate those moments and cherish them to bring the spark.

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Visualize And Create New Memories

It’s your new relationship after a gap. It’s time to craft ideas on creating new memories you will remember for ages to come. Find one or two common hobbies. If you have enough budget, enroll in a class together.

In case of low budgets, you can cook together, play outdoor games, take a walk, etc., that won’t empty your pockets.


Plan Small Surprises

Your mind keeps raising questions like “How to reconnect after a relationship break up?”,” How to approach my partner?” etc. This question is solved when you make actual efforts.

Simple solution.

Give them small surprises. It doesn’t have to be luxurious. Buy them a rose without any occasion. Say “I love you” for no reason. Your partner’s face will glow. Their heart starts beating again for you.

Surprises make your partner feel special, and they understand your feelings better gradually.


Clarify Your Doubts

Doubts are the starting stage to poison the relationship. When your heart bothers with doubt about your partner, it is better to talk it out. Vent the misconception from your system.

Once the doubt is clear, give a heart-to-heart hug as a sign of togetherness. 


Love Yourself Without Guilt

Even if you are in hard-core love, take out some time for yourself. Self-love is having ice cream without any diet guilt. Remember, when your self-love cup is full, you can love another person without any expectations.


Keep Your Boundary Protocol Clear

Sometimes you need to set boundaries to never lose contact with yourself. Maintaining a clear line gives you space to breathe. Talk to your partner about how having a space for ourselves reflects the relationship.


Zero Expectations To Live A Happy Life

No human can live up to your imaginary expectations. Keep it basic, or number it zero. Try to embrace the person for the way they are. Find qualities in them that satisfies your expectations. This way, your heart stays happy.


Start A Conversation About The Future

Create more chances to speak about the future to understand each other’s viewpoints. Talk about short-term and long-term goals to learn more in detail. This way, you can become cheerleaders for the things that matter to you both.


Stick To The Concept Of Transparency

To rekindle love, be open about the minute and huge details connected to the relationship. It is difficult to share everything after a relationship break. But, you feel a big burden has been taken from your heart once you share what you feel with your loved one.


One Step At A Time

It is difficult to share a home and understand each other’s lifestyle & behavior after a relationship break. Adjusting to one’s nature will happen at a snail’s pace.

Create a rule relationship rule. Plan date night every week. This will satisfy the emotional and physical needs that a relationship requires. It paves a way to bring the spark step by step with a deadly combo called “Love and Understanding.”


Practice Mindful Exercises

Writing? Yoga? Walking? These activities look like small activities. In reality, the benefits are unreal because of the time spent together. The more you create chances to be together, the love between you two shines.


Say Sorry When Mistakes Occur

No human can avoid errors. It happens by chance or fate. You have to apologize when your partner gets hurt due to your mistakes. Being sorry helps finish the problem on the spot and not let it carry forward. Usually, a problem that carries forward creates a huge ruckus in personal relationships and life.


Send A Message Without Waiting For The Opportunity

It is normal to receive texts with purpose. But you do the opposite. Text without a reason. You can send messages about how you are feeling, about the day and express your love in the form of short texts to fill the gap of not spending time in person.


Accept That You Two Aren’t The Same Individuals Anymore

Typically, relation undergoes evolution with time. And the partners involved also change due to life experiences. Don’t force them to be someone who they are not anymore. Welcome them with open arms to understand their new version 2.0 in a better way.

To keep the equation intact, acceptance is the key to unlocking happiness.


Let The Curiosity Spark Never Stops Glowing

To be honest, every couple has their unique spark in them. When the spark starts getting dull, the glow loses its shine. Extra efforts, better relationship; Zero efforts, boring relationship. Decide how you want to keep it.

To keep the curiosity alive, play some games like truth/dare, card games, board games, etc. This gives you a chance to ask such interesting questions. This way, you will keep finding some unknown side of your partner over time.


Approach Therapy

Couple counseling seems to be a viable option when things are out of control. Fix the appointment with the right professional to understand the whereabouts. Perform the suggested activities for better improvement. Don’t be adamant by not following their rules.

Stay committed to rebuilding the relationship equation with a strong base.


Go For A Long Drive

Car drives are the best getaway to speak things without any restrictions. You can also put on a great music playlist to create a good vibe.

When the atmosphere and mood change, we tend to open up better and explain feelings with accuracy.


Enjoy The Silence In Peace

There is a myth that you have to keep speaking to each other. Trust me! The beauty of love is when you feel emotions in silence too. You don’t have to emote so much. Their presence is more than enough.


Treat Your Partner With Empathy

After the reconnection phase, the treatment has to be different from before. You must remain careful with the choice of words and the discussion topics. Even if you have a different opinion, empathize with your other half.


Do Couple Workouts To Spark Intimacy Again

On one side, you are dealing with emotional needs positively. Now it’s time to spice up your sex life. Couple workouts are the starting step to bringing back physical intimacy.

Take out time from your schedule. You can either do online or offline workout sessions together. With this, your sex life starts to bloom. Your heart starts aching. These are the signs to find the long–lost life.

 Also Read: What Happens When A Man Is Not Sexually Satisfied & 6 Things to Do

Plan A Weekend Getaway

If you’re still unsure about, “How to reconnect after a relationship break up?” and want more ways, do this! Plan a weekend getaway with your partner to a resort or a hotel according to the budget. Book a room in a resort or hotel where they have planned activities for the tourists. This helps to bring closeness between each other. Level of understanding improves as well.

You can surprise your partner with a candlelight dinner to express your love. Take lovey-dovey pictures. Make the most use of the time!


Be Open to Their Thoughts

When your partner wants to have a serious conversation, just listen. You don’t have to add your suggestions in between until they finish talking. Just give them the assurance and trust they need while communicating with you.


Write A Hand Written Note

Take a moment to appreciate the good about both of you in a handwritten note. The feeling hits differently when our loved one writes a letter by making an effort. You can also write a wishlist together for the whole year. Remember, not everyone gets a second chance in love after a relationship break.

Appreciate Little Things To be Happy

Little things make a huge difference in strengthening the quality of the relationship. If they’re cooking for you, or bringing you little gifts, or doing anything to make you happy, appreciate it. Appreciate your partner in words to bring a smile to their face.

How to reconnect after a relationship break


Take a break when things don’t seem to work well. Analyse how to reconnect after a relationship break and use our above-stated ways to make the reconnect, a success. Also, accept that things will never be the same. But, there is room for new perspectives and growth in every relationship. So, don’t hesitate!

Have you ever taken a relationship break? How did it turn out? Let us know in the comments.


Aastha Kochar
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