How To Heal From An Abusive Relationship: 11 Practical Tips

How To Heal From An Abusive Relationship: 11 Practical Tips

The bond two individuals share in a relationship can either be a source of profound joy or, unfortunately, of deep pain. Being in an abusive relationship can ruin one’s very being scars that extend beyond visible wounds. Individuals who have experienced abuse in relationships often suffer from the same symptoms as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Healing from an abusive relationship, whether it is physical, emotional, sexual, or psychological, is not a linear process; it is about rediscovering your strength and taking back control of your life. In this blog, we will share some helpful tips to guide you on how to heal from an abusive relationship and prioritize your well-being.

How To Heal From An Abusive Relationship 

How Long Does It Take To Heal From An Abusive Relationship?

Healing from abuse takes time. It is a very personal process that varies from person to person because every survivor’s experience is different. 

According to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, survivors commonly report progress within the first 6 months to 1 year after leaving an abusive relationship. However, achieving a sense of complete healing may extend beyond the initial time.

It is important to give yourself time and space without setting a certain period for the healing process. It is not a race; it is more like a journey with milestones. As you start your healing journey, you eventually obtain the knowledge and skills to live an independent life, free from abuse, reclaiming your power and strength.

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How to Heal From An Abusive Relationship: 11 Tips To Get Yourself Back

No matter how long it takes you, it’s important to START somewhere by learning how to heal from an abusive relationship to regain control over your well-being.

Acknowledge the Damage Caused

The first step towards the healing journey begins with acknowledging the reality of the abusive relationship. Recognize the physical and emotional toll it took on you. 

It’s important to realize that the only person who is responsible for abuse is the abuser, not in any way it was your fault. Understand that you are not defined by the abuse you endured but by your resilience to face it. By acknowledging the experience, you validate your feelings and lay the foundation for regaining control over your life.

Seek Professional Help

How To Heal From An Abusive Relationship

Seeking professional support is a vital step in the healing process. Consider reaching out to professional therapists or counselors specializing in trauma and abuse recovery.

As each survivor’s journey is different, professional support allows you to receive personalized guidance tailored to your specific needs. They can provide a safe space for you to express your emotions, address the dynamics of abuse, develop coping strategies, and set realistic goals for your healing journey. 

Establish a Strong Support System

How To Heal From An Abusive Relationship

Building a strong support system is an important step in the healing journey. Surround yourself with a supportive network of trusted friends, family members, or colleagues who are empathetic, understanding, and have genuine concerns about your well-being. 

While having close friends and family is important, consider joining support groups consisting of individuals who have gone through similar experiences. Support groups provide an invaluable resource and peer support for survivors of abuse. Having a strong support system can provide insightful differences

Practice Self-Care and Self-Love 

Self-care and self-love catalyze the building of a positive self-image. Take time to understand your own needs and prioritize your physical and mental health.

Explore activities that resonate with you, such as journaling, having a nature walk, reading a book, or exercising. Picking up old hobbies and doing the things you used to love once also help you express and release emotions. 

Taking care of yourself and practicing self-love guides you toward a brighter and more fulfilling chapter in your life.

Set Boundaries and Prioritize Your Needs

Rebuilding your life requires you to establish boundaries and prioritize your needs unapologetically. By setting boundaries, you can communicate honestly to others about your needs, values, and limits. For digital boundaries, consider unfollowing/ blocking your ex or taking a social media break for some time.

Learn to say “no” and understand that it is okay to decline an offer or invitation that goes beyond your limits. Prioritize yourself and the activities that bring you joy and relaxation. 

By setting clear boundaries, you regain control over your life and cultivate healthier connections for the future. 

Express Your Emotions

How To Heal From An Abusive Relationship

Expressing emotions is an important aspect of the healing process. Take the time to identify what you are feeling, be it pain, anger, grief, or fear. One of the most effective ways to express your emotions is through journaling, as it allows you to release your thoughts and feelings without censorship. 

Creative writing, painting, knitting, and other artistic expressions can help you explore and release emotions. Physical activities help to release suppressed emotions stored in the body. Remember, recognizing and expressing your emotions sets the stage for a genuine and transformative healing process.

Rebuild Self-Esteem

Survivors of abusive relationships often suffer from low self-esteem and internalized negative thoughts and beliefs after leaving the relationship. It is a challenge to identify those harmful thoughts.

Practice positive affirmation in your daily routine, reinforcing a healthier self-image. Surround yourself with positivity and supportive relationships that uplift you. Identify your strengths and achievements that make you unique.

Practice Forgiveness and Letting Go

Part of the healing process involves the practice of forgiveness and letting go. Remember that you bear no responsibility for the abuser’s actions. Forgiveness is not about condoning those actions but freeing the emotional chains that bind you to the past.

Remember, forgiveness is not a sign of weakness. Instead, it is a courageous step to break free from the pain you have endured. Forgiveness and letting go of the past are gifts you give your future self, who is worthy of love, joy, and happiness.

Engage in Healthy Relationships

In the healing process, being surrounded by healthy relationships is important. Find individuals who inspire and motivate you. Through open and honest communication with them, you can counterbalance the emotional abuse with strength and encouragement.

Healing from an abusive relationship is not a lone journey but a collective dance of growth. Building new, healthy relationships helps you restore your faith in others, guiding you toward a brighter tomorrow. 

Focus on Self-Reflection and Growth

How To Heal From An Abusive Relationship

 It’s crucial to take time for self-reflection to understand how your abusive relationship affected you and identify your needs, desires, and values according to that. 

Use self-reflection as a tool for personal growth. Identify areas of your life where you want positive change and set realistic goals.

Engage with activities that help with self-reflection and personal growth, such as reading self-help books, joining new workshops, or starting new hobbies. 

Remember, your growth helps you achieve a positive change in your future life.

Celebrate Progress and Milestones

A common aspect of the recovery process from an abusive relationship is encountering setbacks. Be patient and break big goals into smaller, manageable steps. Set realistic, achievable goals and celebrate the progress along the way. Whether it’s a small win or a bigger one, celebrate the achievements. 

Remember, healing is a journey, not a destination. By celebrating your victories, you encourage yourself to win in the next step of your healing process.


Also read: How to Reconnect After A Relationship Break: Your Go-To Guide

Final Words

Following the above steps on how to heal from an abusive relationship can help you conquer your journey. However, there is also no precise answer on how long it might take. Acknowledging your experience, seeking professional help, establishing a strong support system, practicing self-care, setting boundaries, and prioritizing your needs can help you reclaim your power and take control over your life.

Understand that healing takes time, so be patient and compassionate with yourself through the process. 

The bottom line is that healing is possible, and with time, you will feel stronger. You deserve love, joy, happiness, and a future filled with lovely and healthy relationships.

Sahanaj Yasmin
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Sahanaj Yasmin

Sahanaj is a content writer who is passionate about turning ideas into words that inspire positive change.

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