Best Speed Dating Tips: Master Speed Dating In No Time

Best Speed Dating Tips: Master Speed Dating In No Time

Speed dating is a matchmaking process for singles to meet potential partners. If you’re in a speed dating event, you’ll have short, sweet, and one-on-one conversations with so many people. After the event ends, they’ll ask whether you’ve found someone attractive enough to chat with them again. If you and the person you choose, both agree to this, you’ll be given their contact details. 

Best Speed Dating Tips: Master Speed Dating In No Time

Speed dating is potentially ideal for those people who are busy enough and can’t make time for a full-length date. It allows people to measure potential matches in a much more relaxed setting. 

Some people don’t appreciate speed dating as it makes them uncomfortable. But there are several speed dating tips that you can use to make yourself a master in speed dating in no time. 


What Is Speed Dating?

Speed dating is a social event that allows single people to find an ideal, romantic, and potential partner of their match. 

Best Speed Dating Tips: Master Speed Dating In No Time

It was 1st started in 1998 by Rabbi Yacov Deyo and his motive was to help single people to assess their romantic potential more quickly as compared to traditional or online dating. Speed dating is not out of date and is still a fairly common way to meet new people, especially for those people who like to start with an in-person connection. 

Events of speed dating are mostly run by an organization and most probably there would be a chance of certain requirements to attend those events such as career type, religion, sexual orientation, or age range. Signing up for those events would also involve registration and a fee. 

During speed dating events, people are divided into two groups and then they rotate through a series of short encounters with each other. These 1st encounters or 1st dates only last for a few minutes. The goal is to make 1st impressions because it would be crucial in determining if there’s enough chance for a 2nd meeting. 

Such dating events are mostly held in settings like coffee shops as the atmosphere of the place would be casual and conducive to conversation. 

What Is Mindful Speed Dating?

It’s a kind of speed dating which adds a layer of focus on close connections with someone. To guide your interactions, you choose cultivating kindness or openness to set intentions for the evening. 

Best Speed Dating Tips: Master Speed Dating In No Time

Mindful speed dating is something like going beyond 1st impressions.

Types Of Speed Dating Events

Speed dating has multiple versions and this social activity always spins. But, the most common ones are:

1. Classic

Classic speed dating is one of the most common formats and it includes quick rotations between dates with short conversations.

2. Themed

Themed speed dating events come with a specific focus, like the same profession, cultural background, or a shared hobby.

3. Virtual

Virtual speed dating events are online events where you have the flexibility and convenience to chat with your partner via video call.

4. Tantra

Tantra speed dating events combine mindfulness and conscious connection for something like a deeper intimate experience. The main focus always remains on presence and embodied connection.  

Is Speed Dating Free?

Best Speed Dating Tips: Master Speed Dating In No Time

No, speed dating is not free, but it’s not too expensive either. They charge you about 25 to 35 dollars and at the highest, it would go up to 100$ depending upon the event size and many more things. 

The fee which is called the “Registration Fee” is also not refundable. You cannot ask for a refund even if you were not lucky enough to find your partner there. 


Pros & Cons Of Speed Dating

Like any other traditional or non-traditional form of dating, the speed dating format also has its pros and cons as well.

Advantages Of Speed Dating

Best Speed Dating Tips: Master Speed Dating In No Time

  • Events like speed dating help you to meet multiple prospective partners.
  • The quickness of this event determines instant attraction or chemistry.
  • Helps you to save time, money, and effort.
  • It reduces the uncertainty.
  • It gives you a sense of safety as the structured format can provide a safer atmosphere. 

Disadvantages Of Speed Dating

Best Speed Dating Tips: Master Speed Dating In No Time

  • You can feel rushed.
  • It may not help you to meet the right person.
  • It’s not for you if you feel social anxiety.
  • You may emphasize too much on the 1st impression.
  • You may feel a bit low if you fail to make a connection.


5 Tips To Make Speed Dating Work For You

Best Speed Dating Tips: Master Speed Dating In No Time

Speed dating can be a powerful tool for finding connections. If you want to have a positive speed dating experience, try to prepare ahead of time, know what to expect and how to present yourself in front of your dates.

Here are useful tips to make speed dating work for you:

1. Stay Engaged

Dates at speed dating events don’t last more than 5 to 10 minutes. And in that short period, try to stay engaged by following these steps:

  • Put your phone away from you.
  • Practice active listening by making eye contact.
  • Using encouraging body language such as nodding.
  • Ask follow-up questions.

2. Ask Thoughtful Questions

Sometimes the speed dating event organizers may offer you a list of questions to ask people in case you’re not fully prepared and need a little motivation. Asking them a few questions at the ready can help you feel more confident.

You can ask:

  • Where are you from?
  • What profession are you in?
  • What are your passions?
  • Who’s the most important person in your life?
  • Which of your current personal goals most excites you?

3. Be True To Yourself

As the 1st impressions count, anyone who wants a true relationship will always put his/her best foot forward while meeting someone new. It’s true in many dating situations like serious dating, teen dating, speed dating, etc. 

Remember one thing, always stay true to who you are and offer your authentic self, never present yourself as someone who you are not. Relationships based on accurate self-representation tend to last longer. 

4. Keep An Open Mind

Don’t try to force a match if it doesn’t exist. Always keep an open mind when going into an event like this. You shouldn’t dismiss someone just because of their appearance or quick 1st impression. 

You should expand your dating criteria and need to open yourself up to meet new people outside of your usual preferences. You might enjoy talking to them just in case there would be a sense of connection.

5. Don’t Put Pressure On Yourself

You’ll meet a bunch of new people, so you shouldn’t expect a deep connection with everyone. Your goal should be to find a few people with whom you’d love to chat with in the future. Meeting new people in a fast-paced setting would be exciting and fun. 

So, just relax, be yourself, and enjoy the conversations. 

How To Manage Nervousness At Speed Dating Events?

Best Speed Dating Tips: Master Speed Dating In No Time

It’s very common to experience nervousness before attending a speed dating event. Here are some useful tips to manage your nervousness at speed dating events:

Before The Event:

Best Speed Dating Tips: Master Speed Dating In No Time

  • Preparation is everything
  • Reevaluate your thinking
  • Try some relaxation approaches

During The Event:

Best Speed Dating Tips: Master Speed Dating In No Time

  • Keep it simple and fun
  • Focus on the experience
  • Remember, everyone’s feeling the same anxiety

Do’s & Don’ts Of Speed Dating

At a speed dating event, you’ll have many mini-dates in a short time. So, it’s important to make the most of them. Here are some of Do’s and Don’ts that you cannot afford to forget:


Firstly, let’s talk about the Do’s:

1. Be On Time

Best Speed Dating Tips: Master Speed Dating In No Time

You should always reach there on time, this would clearly show that you possess an element of respect for them. The other benefit is that you’ll get the most out of the event. 

2. Dress Elegantly

Best Speed Dating Tips: Master Speed Dating In No Time

As you better know, 1st impressions always count. So, dress elegantly, neatly, and in a way that makes you feel more comfortable.

3. Be Positive

Best Speed Dating Tips: Master Speed Dating In No Time

A nice smile on your face and a friendly attitude would take you a long way. Just stay calm and relaxed, and enjoy the vibes.

4. Ask Spellbinding Questions

Best Speed Dating Tips: Master Speed Dating In No Time

Prepare some entrancing questions as the conversation starter so that you can avoid awkward silence. 

5. Listen To Them Carefully

Be an active listener and pay attention to what your date is trying to convey. And with that, also ask some follow-up questions so they do not feel any discomfort at any level. 

6. Relax And Have Fun

Best Speed Dating Tips: Master Speed Dating In No Time

Don’t hesitate and put too much pressure on yourself, speed dating should be a fun experience for you. 



Now, let’s analyze some of Don’ts:

1. Be Too Negative

Best Speed Dating Tips: Master Speed Dating In No Time

Don’t be too negative or critical about the process. Avoid complaining about dating or your past relationships, this won’t bring any good for you.

2. Dominating The Conversation

Don’t monopolize the conversation, let your date talk too.

3. Prioritizing The Looks

Attraction is important but, don’t just focus too much on their looks. Try to focus on getting to know their personality well. 

4. Give Up On Process

Best Speed Dating Tips: Master Speed Dating In No Time

Don’t give up on the process if it didn’t work well for the 1st time. Speed dating is all about finding that one special person, no matter how many mini-dates you have had to go through for this.

5. Drink Too Much

You can’t afford to drink too much at a speed dating event if you want to stay present and make a good impression.  

6. Ask For Their Final Decision 

Don’t ever ask if they’re going to pick you or not, because there’s usually a system for indicating interest after the dates are completed. 

What Do You Wear For Speed Dating?

Best Speed Dating Tips: Master Speed Dating In No Time

There’s no such specific dress code but as the 1st impression always counts, so you can’t afford to be seen wearing too casual. 

For Guys:

  • Tops: 

Sweaters, collared shirts, or polos, each one of them has its glory. They all look well.

  • Bottoms:

Dark jeans or slacks fit great for this. 

  • Shoes:

Don’t go for sneakers, they’re no longer in fashion. Instead, go for dressy boots or leather shoes.

For Ladies:

  • Dresses:

A nice and eye-catching dress is always a good option. If you aren’t a fan of culture, just opt for pants and a top as it works too. 

  • Tops:

Sweaters, blouses, or some stylish tees, all are good choices.

  • Bottoms:

Skirts, slacks, or light jeans, all seem a good combo.

  • Shoes:

Can go for heels but flats look fabulous too as long as they’re stylish.    


What Questions Do You Ask At Speed Dating?

Best Speed Dating Tips: Master Speed Dating In No Time

After clothing, “Questions” are the only area that needs some definite preparation. You should ask some interesting but not so tricky questions because it would take some extra time from the other person which you guys both can’t afford. 

Try asking some nice, easy, and fun questions as mentioned below:

  • What are you most passionate about outside of your professional life?
  • What’s your ideal weekend look like?
  • Which one thing is on the top of your priority list in the coming year?
  • What’s the biggest dream of your life that came true?
  • Who is someone that you admired the most and why?


Questions To Start A Conversation ( For Both Men & Women)

Try asking some different questions, don’t go for the same old ones. Be original with your questions as you too want to stand out and be memorable. 

Here are some interesting questions to start a conversation: 

For Guys

  • What’s the most interesting thing that you’ve done recently?
  • If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
  • Who’s your go-to person when you’re sad or happy?
  • Do you love to read books?
  • Who’s your favorite singer?
  • How do you like to spend your weekends?
  • Do you love cooking at home or prefer exploring new restaurants?
  • Where do you see yourself after 10 years?
  • What’s your dream job?
  • What are you most passionate about?

For Ladies

  • What made you decide to try this type of dating?
  • Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
  • What’s your go-to thing to freshen your mind?
  • Do you love pets?
  • What are your future goals?
  • How would you describe love?
  • What’s one quality that should have to be in your partner?
  • Do you love reading?
  • What kind of music do you love?
  • What’s the one thing that is on top of your bucket list?


Best Speed Dating Tips For Guys

If you’re a guy, there are things to consider that can help you to make your speed dating  experience better.

Here are some of the tips that might help you:

1. Choosing A Speed Dating Company

There are different companies with different rules and some of them cater to specific interests or age ranges. Try looking for a company that matches your age group and has some common interests, so that you could have a higher chance of compatibility. 

2. Read Their Reviews

Before finalizing your decision, just give a read to their reviews. Reviews from past attendees can give you a slight hint of the vibe and tell you more about their experience of being there. 

3. Themed Event

Some of the companies may have a specific theme, like speed dating for cat lovers or professionals. Don’t decide in a hurry, take a moment and think if a themed event might suit you to spark a conversation.  


Best Speed Dating Tips For Ladies

Speed dating for ladies is some sort depending on what you’re looking for!

Here are some useful tips and tricks for you:

1. Keep An Open Mind

Normally women aren’t as comfortable as men when it comes to meeting people at a speed dating event. Being picky isn’t bad but this is a very early stage, so try to keep your mind and options open. Without any preconceptions, just relax and see who you click with.  

  • Age Group & Common Interests

Ladies usually care more about age and some sort of common interests. So if you care about them, then just check if the age and interests are clicking your mind or not.   

  • Company Reviews

Reviews of past attendees can be a good guide as to what to expect. This online info can guide whether it’s a trustworthy company or not. You’ll also get some good and local pieces of advice from Reddit communities.  


Final Words

Speed dating is a good way to explore and meet new people. The best thing about speed dating is that it’s not time-consuming. If you are introverted and have some anxiety disorder, then it might turn stress-inducing for you. 

But, the tips that I discussed over here will help you boost your confidence and get more out of the event. 

Best wishes for you 🙂

Nouman Anwar
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Nouman Anwar

Numan is an Accidental-Content Writer who never wished to be what he is today.

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