12 Secrets of People who Never Get Sick
Secrets of people who never get sick. (Photo: Pixabay)

12 Secrets of People who Never Get Sick

Do you ever come across those odd-one-outs who order an additional green salad for their meal? They are the super heroes who never get sick because of their strong immune system.

But people like you and me, who are looking for some magical secrets behind never getting sick, need to realize that there aren’t many. Rather than following a five-step solution, let’s understand some basics which will help us by preventing sickness in the long run.

So, here are 12 amazing yet familiar tips which will keep you stress-free as well as away from sickness.


Sip Some Green Tea!

Green tea is a healthy ritual for many people. Approximately 2.5 million tons of tea leaves are produced each year throughout the world, with 20% produced as green tea, which is mainly consumed in Asia, North Africa, the United States, and Europe.

Green tea is a source of powerful antioxidants that help cure inflammatory skin diseases, liver disorders and Alzheimer’s. A research done in 2011 tested the effect of green tea components (CAGTE) which helps to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease in patients. 

This proves sipping on tea can also be healthy.

Also Read: 10 Morning Habits To Kick-Start Your Day

Add some Leafy Vegetables

India is also known as a leafy heaven, where every household meal includes some edible plants, like spinach or sisunaak saag. They are packed with iron, calcium, vitamins, antioxidants and fibre, which are indispensable for a healthy body.

As per a research done by  Nutrition Science in India, including leafy vegetables in a meal is important to prevent nutritional disorders. It also acts as a strong food source which helps overcome the micronutrient deficiencies in our body. 

So, don’t forget to sprinkle some leafy veggies in your dinner today!


Get Vitamin D

Vitamin D is highly effective in strengthening our bones, regulating calcium and phosphorus levels in the blood. Undoubtedly, vitamin D is vital for a healthy body, but In India vitamin D deficiency ranges from 40% to 99%, with most of the studies reporting a prevalence of 80%–90%.

Infact, Researchers have found its positive effects on key cells of our immune system.

Adding foods like yogurt, cow milk, oatmeal, mushroom and egg yolk can make a wholesome vitamin D meal for your body.


Move your body

Move your body. (Photo: Unsplash)

This one is a no brainer. The human body is meant to move, a study done in 2013 shows that people who maintained their physical activity throughout life are associated with lower incidence and prevalence of chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and other cardiovascular diseases. 

You can start small with a brisk walk in your nearest park. Just start because it is an unavoidable tip to never get sick.

Get enough sleep

Never get sick, sleep adequately
Sleep adequately. (Photo: Unsplash)

A study done in 2019 by the National medical journal of India recommends at least 7-8 hours of sleep for adults and 10 hours of sleep for children to maintain a healthy and strong immunity system. 

Taking adequate sleep acts as a shining armour against all kinds of diseases, viruses, and even for fatigue and stress.

The benefits of good sleep mentioned in Medical news today are listed below :

  • Better focus and concentration
  • Lower weight gain risk
  • Better mental health
  • Efficient immune system
  • Lower inflammation


Cooldown a bit

We all know that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The same is true for stress and anger.

Anger often results in an imbalance of stress hormones catecholamines in the body. Doctors say these hormones increase the rate of blood pressure, coronary artery disease and other chronic illnesses.

In India, meditation and yoga are effective ways to lower stress and are also backed by research (2014). In this study, after practising 40 days of yoga asanas and pranayamas postprandial blood glucose levels were found to be normal for a group of patients.

Besides this, they also developed a sense of well-being within 10 days.


Add different colours to your meals

Never get sick eat healthy
Add colors to your meal. (Photo: Unsplash)

If you’re someone who knows how to include more veggies and fruits in your meals then you’re on a healthy track.

Introduce yourself to a new world of nutrition full of antioxidants, nutrients, vitamins, fibres and whatnot.

A large population of India is vegetarian, the research done in 2019 conveys this. Furthermore, results showed vegetables and fruits consumption is correlated to a reduced risk of micronutrient deficiencies and non-communicable diseases like virus or flu. 


Be social

Feeling lonely has a deep connection with getting sick, the journal of clinical and diagnostic research found that 66.57% of patients, especially people suffering from Alzheimer’s, addiction or any trauma, were found to be lonely and their loneliness was often associated with depression (71.84%). 

As per psychology today, being social is linked with having a stronger immune system, it often boosts the feeling of well-being, further blocking any flu or virus in the body.

Get a flu vaccine/ or shots

Times are changing and so are health experts who are now focusing on flu shots for staying healthy. 

In general, the vaccine is recommended for the elderly, pregnant women, infants and patients with some specific diseases (such as cancer, diabetes mellitus and stroke). 

The effect of flu vaccines often differs from individual to individual, still CDS estimates vaccinations prevented 5.3 million illnesses and 85,000 hospitalizations between (2017-2018) year. 

It also mentioned that people who don’t get vaccinated are more likely to suffer with a heart attack or stroke a few weeks after recovering from flu.

Don’t ignore this point and get some healthy shots.


Practice Good Hygiene

Practising common hygiene can solve 90% of your problems as it prevents you from getting sick. As per the department of health, you can follow these tips for daily hygiene :

  • Washing your body often.
  • Cleaning the teeth at least once a day. 
  • Washing hands with soap after coming from the washroom.
  • Washing hands with soap before preparing and eating food or using any sanitizer.
  • Changing clothes in the sun to dry. The sun’s rays will kill germs.
  • Covering your nose and mouth with a tissue or the hand while coughing or sneezing.


Maintain some distance

Flu viruses are extremely contagious, hence they can pass on from one infective person to another, just like influenza did in Delhi slums. Research shows how the slum population sustains greater infection rates, since they live close to the infected person. 

Staying cautious and following these tips can help you to stay healthy.

  • Disinfect surfaces that an infected person has touched.
  • Wash your hands often.
  • Avoid touching your face.
  • Use separate drinking glasses, toothbrushes at home.
  • Don’t share towels with a sick person.


Skip the alcohol

Excessive use of alcohol leads to severe chronic diseases and other serious problems including:

  • High blood pressure, stroke, liver disease, and digestive problems.
  • Cancer of breast, mouth, throat, and colon.

As per a research done in 2016, due to the excessive consumption of alcohol, a total of 5.9% of all deaths accounted for alcohol, 5.1% of the global burden of disease, and about one-fifth had chronic health problems, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension.


Last words

Keeping it easy yet safe is the key to a healthy body. So, don’t forget to exercise, eat healthy, sleep and repeat. These few tips can act as a toolkit for starting your health journey. 

So, Start now, start today.

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Shivani Jha

Shivani jha is a freelance health and wellness writer, After suffering from anxiety for 2 years now, she is on a mission to break the stereotypes surrounding mental health. She believes therapy can be a helping hand for many.

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